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June 2, 2010

DEVO News Update – June 2010

Greetings, comrades!

A few news items that are definitely DEVOtee worthy:

First Round of Confirmed 2010 Tour Dates:


Date Venue City
June 5th KROQ Weenie Roast Irvine, CA
June 19th Crown Theater Las Vegas, NV
July 2nd Anchor Inn Omaha, NE
July 3rd Minnesota Zoo Apple Valley, MN
July 4th Summerfest Milwaukee, WI
July 6th Power Center Ann Arbor, MI
July 9th Trib Total Media Amp. Pittsburgh, PA
July 10th Forecastle Festival Louisville, KY
July 28th Chastain Park Amp. Atlanta, GA
Aug. 1st Osheaga Music & Arts Montreal, Canada
Aug. 4th Celeste Center Columbus, OH
Aug. 6th Lollapalooza Chicago, IL
Sept. 18th Arizona Fall Frenzy Phoenix, AZ

We will keep you posted on any new confirmations!

DEVO In Upcoming Futurama!
More Devolved TV! DEVO will make an appearance on the animated series, Futurama! In the 100th episode special, Mark Mothersbaugh and Devo campaign for mutant rights – Leela’s parents are second-class, mutant citizens who live underground in the sewers. The members of Devo have mutated over the years, and Mark Mothersbaugh helps out in their campaign for equality.Twenty six new episodes of the show will be unveiled on Comedy Central, and the first half of season 6 kicks off June 24.

Futurama Info

New Tattoos from DEVOtees 
There are 6 new DEVO tattoos in the Chosen Mutations gallery at… sent to us recently by dedicated DEVOtees from around the world.

Pictured from L to R starting at top: Steve Piper, Christy Duhon, Kathy Anderson, (Unknown Spud at Coachella), Andrew Haynes, and a 2nd tatt on Steve Piper.

Keep ’em coming! We’re now up to over 140 tattoos!

See the full “Chosen Mutations” Gallery

Don’t miss the 10th Anniversary of Planet Earth’s largest gathering of DEVOtees!
DEVOtional 2010: A Decade of DEVOtion!
Aug. 27th/28th – Cleveland, OH – Beachland BallroomCome meet spuds from all over the world, and indulge in all things De-vo. There are always great bands, great people, and more spudwazz than you’ve ever seen in one building!More DEVOtional Info
That’s all for now. I will be at all the DEVO shows this summer, and I hope to see you spuds along the way!Duty Now,Michael Pilmer / Devo-Obsesso
for DEVO, Inc.