We are happy to announce that CLUBDEVO.COM has moved into a completely re-designed & renovated digital home! No longer must you log into the site as a registered user to post content – You can now submit content easily via the Upload Button – You photos to our PHOTOS BY DEVOTEES gallery, and videos to our VIDEOS POSTED BY DEVOTEES gallery. We also have re-launched our TELLUS DEVO page, which was part of our first BRAINWASHER fanzine circa 1980s, and later as part of our early web sites years ago. ASK DEVO ANYTHING! Questions will be chosen & answered by members of DEVO on a regular basis. Our OFFICIAL DEVO MERCHANDISE STORE has also been updated to better serve you, including brand new devolved totems to help satisfy your uncontrollable urges. This new site brought to you by DEVO, Inc. in conjunction with the **amazing* Kathrin Laser, who did all the graphics work & heavy lifting. ONWARD!
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